Thursday 31 March 2011


And so I've come to the end of my month - or as so many people have kindly put it, I won't be smelly any more. I've had a fantastic time wearing my dress - it's been great fun planning outfits and thinking up new ways to wear my clothes. It's been slightly less fun doing several late night handwashes, and psoing for daily photos - as a typical Scot, I'm not great at promoting myself, so that's been a bit bizarre. (Unless I get to wear a fun costume or do a ridiculous pose, in which case I'm in my element - looking like an idiot is my forte).

Anyway, here's my 31st and final outfit - although to be honest, I'd be quite happy to wear the dress for another couple of weeks. It's going to be strange having to make more effort when getting dressed in the morning, although as someone who spent about two years of my mid-teens never wearing skirts, I do miss my jeans.

If you haven't sponsored me yet, I would very very much appreciate it if you could spare a couple of pounds - you can sponsor me online at Comic Relief do lots of excellent work supporting abused women and children, people with mental health issues, and carers, amongst others, in the UK, and they help provide fresh water, mosquito nets and other essentials, and help children go to school and avoid getting involved with gangs in Africa. You can find out more information here.

And before I leave you to live your lives in peace, here are a few more photos from today:

Working hard...

Everyone at work today (minus Margaret and Nigel, who weren't in) decided to wear little black dresses(except Wendy, who doesn't own a black dress - yet) in honour of my month!

Thank you very much to everyone who's been following my blog, and to everyone who has sponsored me. As of today, I've raised £250, and another £60 in Gift Aid, all of which will help Comic Relief help vulnerable people in the UK and Africa. So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Day 30

Today has been quite exciting - keep an eye on the Scottish press this weekend. It's also been fairly strange, as I realise I have only one more day and one more outfit left. But before I get ahead of myself, here's Day 30:

And just to prove I am still wearing the dress:

I'm going to enjoy my last late-night wash tonight!

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Day 29

It's bizarre to think I only have two more days of wearing Ol' Faithful - getting dressed in the mornings is going to take a lot more effort after Thursday! Remembering the date will be likewise much more difficult - I don;t know how the rest of the world has managed for all these centuries!

Monday 28 March 2011

Day 28

I'm onto the final stretch now, and I've borrowed a couple of belts from my Mum to accessorise with this week. So far I've made £240, plus almost £60 in Gift Aid, which is fantastic - thank you to everyone who's sponsored me so far, and if you haven't but would like to you can do so here.

Here's Day 28:

Sunday 27 March 2011

Days 25, 26 and 27

Day 25 was my wee brother (or Old Mag, as he shall now be known)'s 21st birthday, and according to him this makes him over the hill. This date is also notable as the 21st anniversary of my first ever train set, an event which made a big impact on me. To celebrate, I drove to Glasgow to see Old Mag:

After a night out and a quick spin cycle, me and The Dress were raring to go for day 2 of our Glasgow adventure (also known as Day 26):

And then it was back to Edinburgh for Sunday, aka Day 27:

(In this picture I'm spoorting the rather fetching QM Freshers' Week 06 t-shirt - QM 'til I die!)

Thursday 24 March 2011

Day 24

Tomorrow I'm taking The Dress on a road trip to Glasgow for the weekend - it promises all kinds of excitement! And potential smelliness. We shall see. Anyway, here's today's outfit - enjoy it, as I suspect after this weekend I'll be reduced to wearing re-runs of previous outfits but with differently coloured tights.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Day 23

I only have 7 days left after today! I am slightly beginning to run out of outfits though... Suggestions are welcome!